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Imsys scores 290K from Swedish Space Agency for space work

Imsys, a Swedish firm specialising in processor core design, has secured a project worth SEK 3.4 million (equivalent to €290,000) from the Swedish Space Agency (Rymdstyrelsen).

Jonas Wærn, the CEO of Imsys, shared his excitement about the approval of his company’s application, as the funds will enable Imsys to continue to make progress on its current work.

“Our CTO Dag Helmfrid has worked on this application and we at Imsys are very pleased that we now have the resources for two years of continued development work,” he said.

“Through this collaboration, the Swedish National Space Board verifies Imsys’ technology. We look forward to this project, to make new contacts and find more business opportunities.”

Imsys’ versatile microprocessors

The Upplands Väsby-based company launched a dual-core embedded processor and software this year, allowing developers to add custom C instructions. The IM4000 processor is used in a Xilinx/AMD FPGA and in the 22nm process at GlobalFoundries.

Orders for the IM3000 core have also been received from GlobalNet Electronics Limited in China and EKOS Electric in Turkey. Additionally, IPR Trading in Dubai has expressed interest in evaluating the product. EKOS Electric is applying the IM3000 in a test lab as a Trace adapter.

Founded in 1981, Imsys specialises in developing and selling its unique flexible microprocessor. Originally designed for specialised applications, its customer base has shifted significantly in recent years.

Now, it caters to clients involved in AI, particularly in image recognition and car security, as well as mobile (5G), medical image analysis, blockchain, dynamic pricing, and high-computational tasks.

In the 1990s, Imsys played a crucial role in advancing laser printer technology by introducing a cost-effective microprocessor design. This development also paved the way for using Java programming in embedded systems. Since then, Imsys has focused on delivering efficient products for Java-based systems.

Imsys’ shares have been listed on the NGM Nordic SME market since December 2020. The company’s founder, Stefan Blixt, has been a lifelong pioneer in microprocessor design, emphasising efficiency with limited resources.

Techarenan News/Monok

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