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VATI of Sweden to certify sustainability for startups in Barcelona

Last Wednesday, VATI (Visionary, Authentic, Transparent and Innovative) of Sweden announced that it would expand its sustainability verification system to Barcelona.

VATI of Sweden is one of the world’s first consultancies to provide certification based on sustainable business strategies. Since its inception in 2019, VATI of Sweden has grown a network of over 25,000 people. Approximately 250 companies have so far taken part in the certification programme.

VATI’s expansion to Barcelona will be its first time setting foot outside Sweden. Barcelona-based entrepreneur Jessika Klingspor assisted in the expansion as VATI’s on-site partner, connecting Nordic customers to Barcelona’s numerous talents and startups.

“It’s especially exciting to connect a company from my home region in the south of Sweden to Barcelona, which is a leader in sustainability and the first in the world to offer verification as an accredited organ,” Klingspor said.

“As someone who is passionate about inner development and sustainability, I am thrilled to see where this collaboration will take us.”

Sustainability in Barcelona

According to Startup Heatmap Europe, Barcelona ranks as the third most trusted city among European startups. The city has birthed three unicorns, and 70 percent of its startup founders are foreigners.

Barcelona’s popularity inspired VATI to help local startup owners maintain sustainable business practices. CEO and founder Eva Vati explained that Barcelona would likely develop into Europe’s major hub of technology and business, thus making sustainability verification vital for new businesses in the area.

“There are many companies that have not yet progressed far enough in their work to be verified, especially small- and medium-sized companies. We can help these companies to become verified according to EU directives and ensure a more sustainable business,” Vati said.

With the effects of climate change and corporate capitalism weighing on the world, the EU has begun plans to enforce sustainability practices on businesses in the future. The EU’s upcoming law — the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive — is set to release in 2024, pushing corporations to verify their sustainability efforts.

Techarenan News/Monok

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