Techarena 202520 februari Strawberry Arena, SwedenHomeEventsOm Techarenan

Chelsea Collier, Founder, Digi.City

Chelsea Collier, Digi.City

Making cities smarter can be a messy thing. Chelsea would know. She is working at the intersection of tech, policy, social impact, civic engagement and entrepreneurship and is the founder of Digi.City, a platform designed to inspire and connect leaders as cities advance in the digital age.

Here, Chelsea shares her perspectives on how cities can work together to create innovative solutions to our most interesting challenges. Plus an outsiders fresh perspective on where Sweden and Stockholm is getting it right, and where we can learn to improve.

One thing is for sure. We now have the opportunity to use technology to help us solve challenges that have plagued communities since they were formed. But sometimes we just have to give each other a break.

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Tommy Fondelius

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